Environment & Urbanization

World leading environmental and urban studies journal

Book notes

More than a million tourists visited informal settlements in 2014, largely in South Africa. Frenzel points out that this is not a new trend; in previous centuries wealthy Londoners “slummed it” in the impoverished East End, while white New Yorkers did the same in black Harlem.

The poor in cities are faced with dual challenges: housing shortages and increased vulnerability to climate change impacts, given the location of their houses as well as their capacities to recover.

Drawing upon examples of street vendors in Hanoi, this study explores gendered strategies to adapt to change and transform, and how street vendors’ responses, in turn, shape the current informal food systems in Hanoi.

Growing urban demand for food – which now constitutes about 60–70 per cent of food consumption in Asia and more than half in Africa – is met largely by trade. This paper reviews evidence for what this trade means for rural areas, and for successful rural economic transformation.

Saving the Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa presents the collaborative research of William Markham (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA) and Lotsmart Fonjong (University of Buea, Cameroon).

Gender, Asset Accumulation and Just Cities is truly a collective endeavour led by its editor Caroline Moser.

Stemming from the Design for Urban Disaster conference at Harvard University in 2014, Urban Disaster Resilience explores the concepts of “urban” and “disaster” within the framework of “resilience”.

This report summarizes a series of studies carried out by a multi-disciplinary team of Thai scholars. It focuses on the dynamics of urbanization and climate change risks, and on the linkages among urbanization, climate change and emerging patterns of urban poverty and vulnerability.

The exponential increase in Karachi’s population, the change in its demographic indicators, the spatial spread of housing, and the geographical concentration of livelihoods opportunities mean increasing transport pressures.

Sustainable Water is edited by Allison Lassiter and was conceived from her lecture series called “Planning for Water Sustainability in the 21st Century”.
