Environment & Urbanization

World leading environmental and urban studies journal

Book notes

Engaging our readers in preparing book notes

Our Book Notes section has short descriptions of books, papers and reports that we have prepared on all subjects relevant to urban issues. These are summaries rather than reviews. These go into the Book Notes online database that contains all Book Notes since our 1993 editions. It has facilities for searching by author, title, key word, city or country.

As an experiment, we are opening this to our readers so it can draw on a wider pool of knowledge. So we invite you to send us short summaries of new publications you have read that you found interesting – and relevant to urban issues. Authors may submit summaries too, but not promotional material. We welcome your submission on relevant publications published within the last two years. This includes English-language Book Notes and English summaries of publications in Spanish, French or Portuguese. You will be listed as the author of the summary.

If you would like to submit a Book Note, please search the database on this page to ensure that the publication has not already been covered. Please specify the title, author, publisher, year of publication, number of pages, and ISBN (if applicable). For the description, between one and six paragraphs is sufficient. Book Notes can be sent to Jenny.Peebles@iied.org

(For a searchable database of papers in Environment and Urbanization, go to http://eau.sagepub.com/)

Search the database


In this analysis of migration, urbanization and globalization in Asia, detailed research findings are combined with discussions of the cities’ ongoing political and socio-cultural transformations.


This book was prepared by a panel formed by the US National Research Council to provide a better understanding of the dynamics of urban population growth and its causes and consequences in low- and middle-income countries.


Scholarly and policy circles can take it for granted that climate change is an undeniable reality.


A resilient city must have, among other things, the capacity to satisfy the water and sanitation needs of it


Improved multistakeholder collaboration in the water and sanitation sector can contribute towards building g


Indian coastal cities are susceptible to climate-induced rapid and slow-onset disasters, like cyclonic storm


This paper attempts to identify a strategy for improving collaboration between stakeholders working in Dhaka


The Vietnamese government is aware of the country’s vulnerability to climate change impacts.


This book emerged from a competition for advanced graduate students, which aimed to highlight innovative ideas from a new generation of scholars on urban poverty reduction.


This peer-reviewed paper highlights that even the most conservative economic approaches show the monetary advantages of investing in urban green and blue infrastructure, such as rehabilitation of rivers and woodlands.
