Environment & Urbanization

World leading environmental and urban studies journal

Sustainable Composting: Case Studies in Guidelines for Developing Countries


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WHILE THE EXTENSIVE involvement of the urban poor in waste recycling is commonly cited in discussions of livelihoods, their involvement in reducing quantities of organic, valueless waste through composting activities has been comparatively overlooked. Through a range of case studies from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, this book focuses on effective management of composting projects, understanding market demand for organic compost, and necessary marketing skills associated with compost production.
Recognizing that urban composting is inherently characterized by potential obstacles to its success and viability, Chapter two presents some of the associated challenges and key issues of mobilizing the poor to take part in composting activities. Turning to more specific examples, Chapter three outlines various decentralized composting schemes in the Indian cities of Bangalore, Chennai, Pune and Mumbai. Through an examination of initiatives undertaken by NGOs, community-based organizations, individuals, companies and private enterprise, the chapter provides insight into the technical, operational, organizational, financial and social set-ups of each approach. Other issues addressed include: accounting, transparency, composting techniques, marketing and the role of municipal authorities. Chapter four succinctly brings these issues together in a detailed case study describing the formation of a successful composting business in India, presenting both its challenges and accomplishments.
Turning to Sri Lanka, Chapter five discusses case studies that include a municipal, a private, an NGO, a university, and a women’s group composting projects. While the importance of partnerships figures centrally in the chapter, key issues emerging from the respective schemes are equally addressed. Discussion then looks to questions of compost quality, marketing and financial viability. Chapter six explores the composting activities of an NGO operating in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and the various types of composting they utilize. Through an examination of windrow and barrel composting, issues of land availability, social acceptance and the benefits to the urban poor are discussed. An in-depth look at the compost market and the role of private sector partnership is then presented.
Chapter seven turns its attention to an exemplary case study in Lahore, Pakistan, where an innovative private–public partnership has led to wide-scale waste reduction and a successful composting scheme. Discussion of public campaigns to increase waste management awareness and the role of community-based organizations in mobilizing local participation for door-to-door collection and source segregation is presented. Aspects of finance, the segregation process, composting, marketing, product quality and pricing, sales promotion and distribution are also explored.
Key findings from the case studies, including improved environmental conditions and the benefits of the composting schemes to local municipalities, are presented in Chapter eight. The common challenge of scale is then discussed, followed by an examination of the role of municipalities, market strategy, the use of unskilled labour, training and partnerships. Chapter nine offers a practical guide to the principles of compost marketing in urban areas. It provides an analysis of the market environment and competition, useful activities for those involved in composting, and helpful suggestions for promotion and attaining a market balance.

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Published by and available from the Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK web: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/wedc/

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